This year we grew a bumper crop of tomatoes. My favourite sandwich, hands-down, is a toasted tomato, but even I can only eat so many.  So I have found creative, nutritious ways to make use of the excess.  I have had lots of fun making homemade tomato sauce (80 cups to be exact) and salsa too!  Don’t let your tomatoes go to waste.  Making sauce is easy and fun. You will be glad you did, as garden tomatoes soon become a distant memory when cold weather arrives.  Your body will thank you too! Rich, red, tomato sauce is loaded with disease-fighting lycopene, a natural anti-inflammatoy.  Remember cooked tomatoes are an even better source of lycopene than fresh!

Just a few of this year's red beauties!
Just a few of this year’s red beauties!


Homemade tomato sauce and salsa. Yummy!